Star Warfare Wiki

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This fanfic used to be about the biography of the bosses from SWAI, but I changed it. Hope you injoy!


UBW was a new planet that humans had discovered several days before earth was destroyed by a comet that possibly had a neucular bomb inside it. When it was just a few days away from earh, the humans decided the had no choice but to evacuate their beloved planet. So they went to UBW to try to live in peace.

               They did not get their wish.

Strange creatures started to apear, and with them, war. Humans started to make suits, upgraded weapons and three succeful Prototype super-soldiers, and the aliens also started to make new weapons, new aliens, new aliens and more new aliens. 

Chapter 1[]

Max Hemmington tried to to stand, but the monster that looked like a scorpian kept pinning him down with purple needles. Max needed to get back to his squad, before the Mantice arived. The Mantice. Max had seen it getting nearer and nearer from a cliff, before the aliens had knocked him unconsious. His Viper armor's visor glowed purple in the on-growing dark. His hand reached for his glowing red pack, but stumbled on something else, his gun. He lifted the MA72, and fired several bullets into the scorpion-thing's head. Max got up but nearly collapsed again. He needed a Energy Drink, fast. He saw his pack and tapped each glowing part several times in a code. The pack opened with a pssshh sound, and Max quickly reached in, retrieved a vile containing some red stuff, and drank with stuff hastily. He grimaced. Energy Drink tasted horrible, but atleast it gave hima small burst of adrenaline. He spotted Jacob, one of his squad mates, and ran over to him.
