Star Warfare Wiki

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​​​​​​Star Warfare: Edge is a real time strategy / arcade game released by Freyr Games for iOS and Android.  It is the 4th Star Warfare game, first published on March 6th 2018.

This Star Warfare game drastically differs from the rest of the series, as it is not a shooter, but rather an RTS game, with the player being unable to physically move the characters on the field, and only being able to select the skills they will use.


"Notice: Welcome to join EDGE

Commander, welcome to EDGE! EDGE is an organization built by former elite force of UNNC. We are in charge of guarding the border are of the universe, stopping evil clones from invading border remote planets. We supply each commander a space fortress you can recruit agents and train them and train agends in this facility, and execute the battle missions which are assigned by EDGE. With the help of all commanders, we can maintain universe peace of the universe."

Chronologically, Star Warfare: Edge seems to take place after the events of Star Warfare 2: Payback , as indicated in the introduction notice text. Former members of UNCC seem to have banded together into a new organization  called Edge, to defend their universe against any problems.
