Star Warfare Wiki

Difficulty: ★★

Dead Eye is the second boss encountered in Star Warfare 2: Payback. It appears as a mix between an arachnid and a crustacean with the ability to shoot and use plasma lasers at the opponent.

Boss Attacks[]

Note that only the attacks found in Mutant Mode have official names. The remaining names of the boss attacks are purely conjectural, and will not be replaced until they are given official names.

Boss Wings: Dead Eye shoots out two beams of lasers at the opponent that cross each other diagonally.

Sprint: Dead Eye charges extremely fast at the opponent dealing damage and knocking them up.

Accumulative Cannon: Dead Eye pauses for a moment and charges a huge laser beam that deals massive damage.

Super Swipe: Dead Eye attacks his moment with his claws about 4 times and stuns the opponent each time.

Laser web: Dead Eye puts himself in a upside down position in the top of the arena and makes the whole room tiled with lasers. Soon after they will damage the player if he/she is on the lasers. If the player moves between the lasers, it will not damage the player.

Multi Laser: Dead Eye puts himself in a upside down position again and shoots multiple lasers that move forward.

Vision: Dead Eye shoots multiple lasers from his eyes

Collapse Room: Dead Eye makes the room collapse, shooting rocks at the player dealing low-mediocre damage.

Laser Party: Dead Eye puts himself in a upside down position like so and randomly fires lasers that move in the corresponding direction.


Dead Eye is a very hard boss to handle with low-tier equipment. In addition to some heavy-hitting slow attacks, it also has faster attacks which can hit multiple times, leading to situations where it can combo you and take out a huge portion of your health. Dead Eye is a very strong boss but doesn't have much HP.

Dead Eye's Accumulative Cannon has a deceptively wide range despite appearing to be a slow attack, and can instantly kill lower HP armors caught in its blast. Players should be ready to immediately activate any defensive abilities they have if it looks like they are unable to escape its blast, such as the Falcon Armor's "Titan Skin" ability.

When Dead Eye's health is low, he'll start climbing onto the top of the arena and using new attack patterns. These attacks can be quite hard to avoid due to their speed and range, so it is recommended that during this you equip a speed bonus weapon and focus on dodging instead of firing.



  • Normal: GoldIconSW2 30,000+
  • Heroic: GoldIconSW2 90,000+
  • Note: Amount of Gold can be influenced through people playing and or Gold potions/2x Daily Boss Rewards.


Armor and Weapons[]

Recommended Weapon: Shotguns because they can eventually kill the boss in a short time. The HolyStinger is most recommended.

Recommended Weapon (Heroic): Railguns can take massive chunks of Dead Eye's health.

Recommended Armor: Neon or Eagle.

Recommended Armor (Heroic): Falcon or up, but it's possible to use Despair.

And always take potions to this boss battle. They are prior to defeating the boss if you are unable to.
